Discover How Pet Turf Can Save Your Yard from Dog Chaos

May 22, 2024

Your dogs may be the light of your life, but they can also be a nightmare for lawns. Dig holes, urine stains, odors, and bald patches can degrade even the most well-manicured landscapes. Keeping a pristine lawn while owning a pet is difficult and costly.

Fortunately for homeowners, artificial grass installation offers a cost-effective solution. Synthetic turf can withstand the most enthusiastic pups. When it comes to durability, there’s nothing stronger—or more aesthetically pleasing—than artificial pet turf.

Heavy Traffic Areas

Your lawn sees lots of activity, especially from dogs who like to lounge, play, and go potty outside. A reinforced landscape supports heavy use for years, and what better way to strengthen your outdoor space than with resilient pet turf products?

Dogs especially tend to wander the same paths throughout your lawn. These repeated patterns can damage natural grass, leaving matted pathways that disrupt aesthetic uniformity. However, synthetic grass is made from flexible materials that bounce back to their original form.

Luxe Lawns is Arizona’s preferred artificial grass installer, providing high-quality pet turf products designed to withstand your pup’s daily routine.

Pet Messes

Potty time is a common challenge for pet owners. Your dogs must use the bathroom, but you don’t want your lawn to become a foul-smelling, potty-stained swamp. Pet-friendly turf is specially designed to confront this unique challenge.

Thanks to synthetic grass, pet cleanup is effortless. Efficient drainage systems drain fluids up to 920 inches per hour! Once their business is done, all you have to do is spray down your artificial turf lawn, and—presto—your landscape is fresh and clean.

Unlike natural lawns, synthetic grass won’t burn or stain due to pet urine. The nitrogen and acid in urine distort grass colors and, ultimately, kill it, but not with synthetic turf! Water-resistant turf fibers repel urine, preserving those rich, evergreen hues.

Digging Damage

It’s a frustrating truth: dogs love to dig. This is the bane of a homeowner’s life, as they have to spend time repairing their lawn and garden. Dig holes not only impair your home’s aesthetic allure and value, but they also create trip hazards.

Synthetic turf installers have the solution you need. Our Luxe Pet Pro turf features a formidable K29 quadruple-layer backing with superior pull-force resistance. These backings prevent enthusiastic dogs from digging into your lawn.

Vigorous Playtime

When dogs get the zoomies, set them free to sprint across your synthetic turf landscape. They can rip across artificial grass without damaging your lawn. There won’t be any torn patches or frayed fibers—just one happy pup!

Synthetic turf products feature flexible fibers that bounce back immediately after the pressure is released. Tightly woven turf fibers won’t tear or come loose, even after encountering sharp dog nails at high speed. Kick back and let your dog run free without worrying about your lawn.

Artificial turf installation in Arizona is a cost-effective solution that benefits pets and homeowners alike!

Lounge Damage

You read that right. In fact, lounging is one of the primary causes of lawn distortion and damage. While your pups bask in the sun, the prolonged pressure bends grass blades. When they get up, their silhouette is present as the grass is flattened.

Artificial pet turf is supported by infill, a unique accessory that adds ballast to your synthetic grass lawn. Infill holds turf fibers upright and helps them retain their shape even after prolonged pressure from sleepy dogs.

Premium Pet Turf from Luxe Lawns

With help from your local synthetic grass installers, you can create a pet-friendly paradise! Luxe Lawns offers Arizona homeowners superior artificial turf products and unforgettable customer support. Local pets agree we’re the home of five-paw service!

Go beyond pet turf to create a communal oasis. At Luxe Lawns, we offer residential turf, artificial grass putting greens, and elegant hardscaping. We treat every project with superior care, delivering meticulous installations that leave no corner or seam untouched.

Call Luxe Lawns today at 480-906-2445 or contact us online for a free quote on your next landscaping project!

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